Submission deadline: February 22nd, 2019

Advance women’s and girls' independence and empowerment


* Belgium
* Germany
* Greece
* Italy
* the Netherlands
* the United Kingdom


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Created in 2011, Fondation CHANEL supports projects that aim to improve the economic and social conditions of marginalized women and adolescent girls around the world. Its mission is to advance women’s and girls' independence and empowerment by increasing their access to economic resources and entrepreneurship opportunities, education and training, leadership and decision-making, health and social protection as well as sports and culture as important levers for social and economic integration.

Fondation CHANEL is launching its 2019 call for expression of interest focusing on women's empowerment. The Foundation welcomes proposal submissions from local, national and regional social purpose organizations (SPOs) including associations, networks, implementing foundations, international organizations and social businesses with innovative and high-impact gender equality programs.

This call for expression of interest covers Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom (see Geographic implementation in Eligible Project Proposal).




Proposals should fall within the objectives of the foundation, contributing to women's empowerment through ONE OR MORE of its intervention areas:

  • Access to economic resources and entrepreneurship: promote access to employment and entrepreneurship as a way to reduce discrimination and to foster the financial independence of women and girls.
  • Education and training: promote access to education, vocational training, and communication and information technologies as basic requirements to obtain employment and to durably improve women's social and economic situation.
  • Leadership and decision-making: strengthen the self-confidence, the capacity for expression and for action of women and girls as key success factors and means to promote gender equality.
  • Health and social protection:  secure access to healthcare and social protection as a crucial prerequisite to autonomy.

Initiatives that go beyond those definitions in an innovative way are welcome (applied research and social experimentations, advocacy and public policy change, etc).




  • Funding: we support long-term programs (up to 3 years), starting from 70 000€ per year. Financial reporting is regularly requested (see Budget in Eligible Project Proposal).
  • Technical Assistance: successful proposals can also benefit from technical assistance provided by CHANEL employees on their work time, on a diversity of subjects (legal, communication, marketing…).







  • Type of organization: associations, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations, social enterprises, national or regional funds.
  • Legal status: must have a non-profit legal status with the competent national authority.
  • Date of creation: The structure has been in activity for at least two years.
  • Important note: Each organization may only apply once;



  • An overall thematic focus on women's empowerment, according to the Foundation's thematic priorities (see Thematic Priorities).
  • A 3-year implementation schedule, starting no earlier than July 1st 2019.
  • Geographic implementation only in eligible countries:
    • Belgium
    • Germany
    • Greece
    • Italy
    • The Netherlands
    • The United Kingdom

Multi-country programs are highly appreciated.

  • Gender equality focus: the applicant must demonstrate willingness, capacity and/or experience in implementing programs on gender equality and women's empowerment.
  • Consortiums of organizations are welcome to submit a joint proposal. Please note that the organization designated as project leader should comply with the eligibility criteria.
  • Budget:
    • Minimum amount for a funding request is 70 000€ per year;
    • Projects should be co-financed for at least 25% of the total project budget;
    • Grant request should not exceed 30% of the organization's global budget;
    • Administrative costs should not exceed 10% of the grant request.



The following are NOT eligible to apply for a grant from the foundation:

  • Cultural and sporting events with promotional or commercial purposes;
  • Individual grants;
  • Project led by organizations with religious or political purposes.



  • Drafting: a short program description with an outline of budget is to be submitted via our online platform. Selected organizations will be invited to complete a broader application emphasizing the essential aspects of the project.
  • Relevance of the proposal: vision for social change in a relevant thematic area.
  • Quality of the context analysis and gender assessment.
  • Sustainability: projects should carry a long-term vision and demonstrate sustainability.
  • Transparency: information on the project should be available, financial and technical reports are regularly requested.
  • Good governance and organizational strength: prospective grantees are requested to submit information on management, financial and operational capacity as well as a reputational track record as appropriate.



  • Submission deadline (including all documents uploaded):

 February 22nd, 2019 (23:59 Paris time) 

  • To submit a proposal, please click the "Submit an application" button on this page.
  • No email or paper applications will be accepted.
  • Only one online application per organization and per proposal will be accepted. Multiple applications from the same organization and/or for the same proposal will be automatically disqualified.
  • Languages:  application and all documents submitted should be drafted either in English or in French.
  • Calls and site visits may be organized.
  • Selected organizations will be invited to complete a full application.



  • Deadline for online application submission– February 22nd, 2019
  • Eligibility screening and evaluation – Spring 2019
  • Final grantees informed – September 2019



Applicants will be notified of proposal status by email only.
No physical or phone appointments will be given.
Requests about the call for expression of interest should be directed to
[email protected] only.



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